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Teach in Independent Schools

Why do teachers choose to work in the independent sector

While it’s common to discuss why people become teachers, there’s less focus on why they choose to work in the Independent sector.

The Independent sector includes all schools that are not part of the Government or Catholic systems. As of 2024, the NSW Independent sector is composed as follows.

  • There are 426 schools on 536 campuses, half of which are K-12 schools.
  • 236,913 students attend an Independent school, which is almost 1 in 5 NSW students (19%).
  • Almost half of NSW Independent schools have fewer than 250 students (45%) with 3% having more than 2,000 students.
  • 83% of NSW Independent schools are faith based with 20 faiths represented.
  • Almost a third of NSW Independent schools are in regional NSW (131).
  • There are 64 Special Schools and Special Assistance Schools in NSW with 5,770 students.
  • 5,894 First National students are enrolled in NSW Independent Schools.

Considering the diverse landscape of Independent Schools, it is understandable that educators choose to work with schools whose values and ethos align with their own.

What Draws Teachers to Careers in Independent Schools?

We asked AISNSW staff, all of whom are experienced educators why they had previously made the choice to work and teach in Independent schools.

“Moving into the independent sector gave me the opportunity to try different roles and have more professional growth opportunities.” –  Kim Barry, VET Consultant

“The main thing for me when looking for a teaching position was do I align with the learning that’s happening there, but also do I align with what that school stands for and what they believe in? If I’m aligned with that, then I know that it’s going to be a good partnership. That’s why Independent schools have always been the right fit for me.”Adele Lockman, Learning Designer

“The greatest thing for me was choice in terms of choice of school, choice of environment, but also the capacity that I had as a teacher within an in an Independent School to have more choice and scope in the pathways that I took to develop my career.” David Johnson, Consultant

“I really wanted to work in a school that matched the core values that sit deeper within me and I liked that synchronicity. [At an Independent school] I felt that I was in a community that shared the same values essentially.”Samantha Kourakis, Student Services Consultant

“I think the idea of integrating a faith background into the growth and development of young people I think really attracted me to Independent School.”Chris Morris, Teaching and Learning Consultant

“I like working in independent schools because it’s always about the holistic person in front of you. It’s about the context of the school and what it’s aiming to do and really embracing every single child for who they are and who they want to be.” Shani Hartley, Senior Research Specialist

“In my choice to work in an Independent School, I really valued the opportunity that came with working in a sector where there’s so much diversity so schools can unapologetically make decisions that are absolutely right for their own school community. I really like when schools are able to hold onto traditions and values that are particularly associated with the communities that they serve.”Kelly Borg, Associate Chief Executive: Teaching and Learning

“Simply for the diversity.” – Andrew Gregg, Policy & Compliance Consultant

Hear from AISNSW Chief Executive, Margery Evans, about why people choose to work in the Independent sector. 

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